Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Your Tequila May Contain Methanol

Your Tequila May Contain Methanol Happy Cinco de Mayo! If your holiday celebration includes tequila, you may be interested to know the American Chemical Society (ACS) has found that some tequila contains methanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, and 2-phenylethanol. What are these chemicals? In case youre wondering, no, these are not good and desirable chemicals to drink. The alcohol in alcoholic beverages that you drink is ethyl alcohol or ethanol (grain alcohol). Methanol (wood alcohol) and other alcohols are the types that can make you go blind and otherwise cause permanent neurological damage, not to mention give you a nasty hangover. The ACS purposely timed the release of the results to coincide with Cinco de Mayo, to raise awareness of the quality control issue. Tequila made from 100% blue agave tended to have higher levels of undesirable chemicals than other types of tequila (pure agave tequila is usually considered superior). What This Means Does this mean tequila somehow bad? No, actually tequila is one of the best-regulated alcoholic beverages in the world. The results not only point out a potential health hazard for this drink but also indicate other beverages are probably adulterated with contaminants. Its the nature of distillation. The process relies on boiling point differences between liquids, which means good control of temperature is key. Also, the first and last portion of alcohol that is distilled (the heads and the tails) contain other compounds besides ethanol. Not all of these molecules are bad, so a distiller may choose to retain a certain amount. Then, there is a risk of picking up contaminants during the aging process. Its tricky, which is why top-shelf tequila is likely way better than home-grown moonshine, as far as your health goes. Yet, its possible to distill alcohol without unwanted compounds. Why does the problem persist? Its partly a matter of economics, where a distillery determines what level of contamination is acceptable. Increasing purity decreases yield which decreases profit. Its partly a compromise between making a product with premium flavor, color, and scent while keeping toxins to a minimum.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

buy custom Marxism essay

buy custom Marxism essay Marxism is the most intriguing alternative vision in this chapter. This was developed by Marx and Friedrich Engels. For them, history moved through the following stages: feudalism, capitalism, socialism to communism respectively. They came up with scientific socialism, which was embedded in a materialist history theory. Marx and Engel claim that history consisted of continuous forms of exploitative productions and consequent rebellions against those productions; that what mattered was production of goods and the societys organization into classes of producers and that of exploiters (616). All this was in response to the Utopian socialism that had been previously developed by Fourier; Marxism contrasted utopian socialism. It criticized the post 1915 Europe that overemphasized on production. I found this alternative very interesting because of Marx and Engels prediction concerning the proletarian revolution. They argued that as industrialization advanced, more people would fall into the working class; the common people would not be able to have a share of this wealth, since it was monopolized by the capitalists. This gap between the wealthy capitalists and the poor masses would result in overproduction; while there would be under consumption and consequently the capitalists would get lower profits. This meant that the workers receive lower wages and or stay unemployed, thus triggering a revolution. This revolution would end the possession of private property, thus ending exploitation. Though the uprisings of the 1848 in European countries did not succeed, I feel that this alternative was the best. If the workers overthrew capitalism then the social landscape would change for the better (618). This alternative seems so practical unlike the previous Utopian socialism. It is important in the world history course since it is what that led to the uprisings of 1848 in some of the European countries such as France, Italy and others; led to more changes in the social landscape and brought about different views about Confucianism, which had is significant to the understanding of the world history. Buy custom Marxism essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

List and dene the six ethical principles discussed in your text Essay

List and dene the six ethical principles discussed in your text - Essay Example Most determining factors would be specific to the particular ethical dilemma at hand. Along with the particular details of the problem, IS managers can peruse some time-tested, universal ethical principles in arriving at their decisions. The first one is â€Å"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you†, which is an old proverb with Christian associations. (Laudon & Laudon, p.419) Putting oneself in the shoes of other parties and applying same standards of judgment are the basis of this principle. The second one is the application of Categorical Imperatives – a concept first articulated by philosopher Immanuel Kant. According to this principle, in order for a community or group to maintain its cohesion, there are actions that are forbidden to all members of it, irrespective of circumstances and other conditions. Similarly, certain responsibilities are to be fulfilled by all members without exceptions. And Information Managers should see to it that they do not bre ach such categorical imperatives. Rene Descartes’ Rule of Change is another useful guideline for IS managers to follow. It says that â€Å"if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not right to take at all†.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lunch With the Theorists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lunch With the Theorists - Essay Example As a nursing theorist, Hildegard told us that people with schizophrenia suffer from communicating with others. Communication is a struggle for a lot of people with schizophrenia. Some individuals do not have the drive of communicating, while others do not have the self-belief to communicate what they have in mind. Some individuals experience illusions or hallucinations, which affects how they communicate with others. Hildegard believes that it is essential to have a good nurse-client association to be capable of successfully relating with patients who have mental disorders. To assist these individuals relate well with other, Hildegard stated that it is essential to give them adequate time to make themselves heard. It is also vital to let them recognize that the society accepts them along with their illness. Carl Rogers, on the other hand, incorporated as humanistic approach to schizophrenia. He believes that schizophrenia is a crucial case that should be viewed differently from other cases of mental disorders. The humanistic approach, his own exceptional techniques to understanding human relationships and personality, found wide application in numerous domains for instance client-centered therapy (psychotherapy and counseling), student-centered learning (education) and organizations, along with other group settings. Carl Rogers believed that it is essential to know the person’s identity and personality among other factors in order to assist a patient with schizophrenia, it is essential to know the person’s identity and personality among other factors. Piaget, finally, talked about the cognition perspective of a patient with schizophrenia. He considers these patients to be crucial elements of a society. It is the psychology of a mentally ill person to not be ignored by others. Mentally ill individuals need to be given attention. They also require understanding. Piaget says that he has dealt

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Breastfeeding is better for your baby Essay Example for Free

Breastfeeding is better for your baby Essay Among the many decision a woman faces when she is pregnant, is whether or not she will breastfeed her child. In our society and in this day and age, this has become a matter of choice as opposed to long ago where formula was nonexistent and the only means of nurturing your baby was to breastfeed. Many women are oblivious to the health risks their baby may endure having not being breastfed. Research and studies show that babies who are breastfed have better health among other things if they are breastfed. To add to that, formula companies tend to obscure the truth and bribe the doctors in to promoting their product. This essay aims to investigate these issues and address the matter at hand by stating why it is a much better choice to breastfeed a baby. As I mentioned above, whether or not a women wants to breastfeed or formula feed is now a matter of choice. Before I move forward, I want to explain about the history of breastfeeding and formula feeding. Before the modern era, breasfeeding was usually the normal procedure for feeding an infant. If a woman had problems breastfeeding her baby, the family would usually hire a wet nurse to nurture the baby in place of the mother. This was considered very normal. As a matter of fact, wet nurses were chosen with the utmost care, because it was vital and essential for a baby to receive the right amount of nutrients. Another alternative to wet nurses was cow’s milk, or in correct terms the process of â€Å"dry nursing† was established. Wet nursing and dry nursing were the common alternatives to breastfeeding during the early 19th century. However, in the turn of events another breast milk substitute had evolved. Formula had been created and was in lieu of breastfeeding. One of the biggest known named companies of today, Nestle was a big contributor to the establishment and creation of formula. Add another century, and formula feeding is not considered the norm in many societies. Because formula is widely accepted as a means of nurturing a baby, production of formula has boomed and many formula manufacturers thrust to advertize their product. Because of this, many doctors have received a cut for promoting formula from these major manufacturers. While the new mother who has just given birth to her baby feels that formula feeding is better since the doctor recommended it, little does she know that the doctor is doing what he was endorsed to do. Could this mean that many doctors are withholding the truth for money? It may very well be and I will further discuss this issue. According to studies done in the US, fewer than half of the babies are exclusively breastfed during their first two days in the hospital. By the time they are six months old, only 19 percent of US babies receive any breast milk† (Coburn, 2000, 1). This is in large part due to the doctor’s orders. Little do these mothers know that the doctors are pushing formula products on these new mothers because they are obliged to do so under a contract. Coburn also states â€Å"To promote artificial feeding, formula manufacturers spend millions of dollars securing exclusive distribution deals for formula samples, at a yearly average of $6,000 to $8,000 per doctor† (p. 2). Many formula companies distribute their products to hospitals to advertize their formula. It is a form of bribery, because if you give the doctors and physicians money they will without a doubt encourage the recommendation of that particular product. Or in some instances, mothers are given a gift basket upon delivery of their new baby. This gift basket has formula in it. In doing this â€Å"research shows this tacit endorsement of the hospitals part is so effective in establishing brand loyalty that 93 percent of mothers who artificially feed continue to use the brand of formula given to them by the hospital† (Coburn, 2000, p. ). There is a lot of brainwashing going on just for a buck. Since these mothers are now formula feeding instead of breastfeeding they begin to see the effect on their income. It is much more costly than breastfeeding. Some mothers even dilute their formula to make it last a little longer before going out and buying some more. This in turn is very nutrition-depleting. I will elaborate further on nutrition, but in the end these formula manufacturers are competing not with their rival companies, but with breastfeeding itself. And because of this, many mothers are caught in the middle of this war not aware that breastfeeding is the best means to nurture her baby. As mentioned above, breastfeeding is the natural way to nurture a baby. It is also better for the baby and there are many studies to prove this. Breastfeeding does help prevent a number of sicknesses a baby may endure. As mentioned by Laura Sterling a pediatrician â€Å"I discuss the impact of breastfeeding on incidence of otisis, media, asthma, obesity and all-cause diarrhea. I also counsel that breast milk may decrease severity of diarrhea because it is much easier on the digestive system than formula† (Sterling, 2003, p. 3). Obesity as Sterling mentions has also been decreased when a child is breastfed rather than formula fed. If a baby is breastfed for at least 3-5 months, obesity in the US will reduce 35 %. Carol Campbell states â€Å"infants who were fed breast milk more than infant formula milk, or who were breast fed for longer periods, had a low risk of being overweight during older childhood and adolescence† (2000, p. 102). If we look at breastfeeding on a global perspective, around the world breastfeeding is encouraged as well. In Bangladesh for example, infant mortality rates are severely high. Penny Van Esterick states that any decrease in breastfeeding would definitely increase infant mortality (2003, p. 57). Also, many countries around the world that use water to create the formula aren’t aware of the toxins the water may contain, thus making the baby very sick. A mother passes on various nutrients to her child when she breastfeeds, something that artificial milk does not do. A random study also concluded that when babies’ breastfeed they are more likely not to experience pain while undergoing minor procedures. We can also look at breastfeeding from an anthropological standpoint. Anthropologist Shannen L. Robson stated â€Å"For most pormate species the period of accelerated growth ends shortly after birth, but for humans it continues for a year postnatally, when infants are nutritionally dependant on breast milk. A pattern of early postnatal brain growth that is unique among mammals must require a unique milk to supply the needs of the developing human infant (2004, p. 19). So as we may see, there are many benefits, an infinite amount of studies concluding that breastfeeding is much better for a baby as opposed to formula feeding. Concluding my essay it is evident I am pro breastfeeding. It is much healthier for your baby as studies are there to prove this. Not only that, it is eye-opening to know that doctors withhold telling their expecting mother patients that breastfeeding is the better choice all for the means of gaining more money. It is also interesting to note, that women who breastfeed are more likely to lose more weight effectively than their formula feeding counterparts. Who doesn’t want to lose weight after giving birth? It is much more advantageous to breastfeed, especially when it is 2 in the morning and your newborn is crying their lungs out because they want to be fed. I think getting up picking up your newborn and breastfeeding them is much better than having to warm and prepare the formula in a zombielike state.

Friday, November 15, 2019

re-introduction of wolves into maine :: essays research papers

Reentering the eastern timber wolf into northern Maine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before the 20th century the eastern timber wolf lived and thrived in northern and central Maine. A combination of hunting and trapping however killed off most of the indigenous wolves and drove the rest into Canada.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The eastern timber wolf stands between 26†- 36† tall, and weighs between 65- 85 pounds for a female and 80- 95 pounds for a male. They stretch from between 5- 6.5 feet from nose to tale. The eastern timber wolf travels in packs of 2-8. The pack consists of the breeding male and female and their offspring it may also have subordinate adult wolves that recognize the breeding male’s leadership. Only the dominant male and female breed, the female has a litter of between 4-7 pups. A wolf pack has a territory that can be as big as 1,000 square miles, although it is generally less than this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people feel that since it was humans that drove the wolves away from the state of Maine it is our ethical duty to bring them back and see that they survive. I am now going to go over some of the pros and con’s of reintroducing the eastern timber wolf back into Maine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the wolves gone in Maine there was a predator vacuum created. This means that there was an over abundance of the animals the wolves used to prey upon. This in turn led to the increased number of coyotes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The eastern coyote is much larger then their western cousins and have a more powerful jaw for taking bigger game. They fit into the niche of the wolf perfectly. They have adapted until they can do just about anything a wolf could do; they are starting to travel in packs and are growing larger each generation. The eastern coyote is so well established in Maine and it is so closely related to the eastern timber wolf that if you wanted to reintroduce the wolf you would first have to greatly decrease the number of coyote.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most people say that if you reintroduce the wolf to Maine, big game hunting would have to be stopped. This is untrue. As long as the deer and moose population neither grows nor decreases hunting is doing its job. Wolves don’t have any great effect on the population of their prey. They take only sick and old animals and very rarely do they take an animal that has a likelihood of breeding.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pediatricians Qualification Essay

Education and Qualification Most medical schools require applicants to have a minimum of two to three years of university education. After graduating from medical school, a doctor who wishes to become a pediatrician must complete at least three years of special training in health care for children, also known as residency program (work experience). The doctor can then become a certified pediatrician by passing an examination given by a pediatrics specialty board. Many pediatricians take two to three years of additional training in a particular area of pediatrics. Some specialties are pediatric surgery, pediatric infectious diseases, pediatric hematology-oncology, and neonatal-prenatal medicine. Aside from the training, the pediatrician must also complete medical licensing exams such as certification by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC). Other qualifications of a pediatrician are compassion, patience, and love for children. Pediatricians must also have good communication skills. They have to be able to listen to parents and give them advice about their child. If a pediatrician is not able to communicate with people in this profession, he or she will never make it far. Duties and Responsibilities A pediatrician’s first responsibility is to diagnose illnesses. He or she does this by examining the patient, obtaining the patient’s medical histories, and ordering special tests such as X-rays. Next, he or she recommends treatment programs that may involve medication, rehabilitation, surgery, or advice about exercise and nutrition. During the treatment process, the pediatrician communicates with family members and health care professionals such as nurses. When appropriate, the pediatrician may refer patients to specialists, who are experts in medical fields. Those people include cardiologists, psychiatrists, surgeons, and many more. Salary and Rewards Pediatricians have among the highest earnings of any occupations. Earnings vary according to the number of year in practice, hours worked, skill, personality, and professional reputation. Those pediatricians who are just beginning their careers make around $100 000 to $120 000 per year. Established pediatricians’ average income is between $120 000 to $135 000 per year. Being a pediatrician can be rewarding as a result. When pediatricians care for children, the choice is made based on the love for children and the belief that it is a significant accomplishment to make a difference in a child’s life. As a bonus, the pediatricians get to hold their patients in their arms, to see them grow and change, and years later, to see the adults they have become. Lifestyle Being a pediatrician can be stressful. They have to work long hours and sometimes even miss important family occasions because of emergency calls. Irregular work schedules can sometimes interfere with the pediatrician’s daily plan, and they have to accommodate with it. They have to be able to accept unexpected events and unpredictable situations, but all of these hard works are worthwhile because of their high salary. Pediatricians can provide their family with money, but they cannot really provide their family with attention. To them, career has to be their priority since being a pediatrician is like a 24 hours a day job. Working Conditions Most pediatricians work in small private offices or clinics. They are often assisted by a small staff of nurses and other administrative personnel. Some pediatricians with higher reputation also teach and research. More dedicated pediatricians may be involved in advocating children’s issues in their  communities. Pediatricians work very long hours, between 9 to 12 hours a day and 45 to 65 hours a week. They may have irregular work schedules, working evenings and Saturdays to accommodate patients. Thus, it can be difficult for them to balance career and family life or personal time. Women in Pediatrics In our society today, some ignorant people still consider women going into specialized pediatrics as unacceptable. They think women should study regular pediatrics. Although the society is more open-minded nowadays, sexism has not been eliminated. Thus, some women in advanced fields such as pediatric surgery are disrespected.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

My Leadership Style Essay

Abstract Leadership is defined as a social influence process in which an individual seeks the participation of subordinates in an effort to research organizational goals. (Kinicki-Kreitner (p.346). My personal leadership style is based on the situational theory of leadership. Based on the type of situation my ability to adapt my leadership style is what makes me an effective manager. My Leadership Style Leadership is defined as a social influence process in which an individual seeks the participation of subordinates in an effort to research organizational goals. (Kinicki-Kreitner p.346) Being a leader in today environment is even challenging than ever. This is due to the pressure for increased transparency due to corporate greed, government pressure and individual corruption. There are great leaders throughout our history such as Martin Luther King, George Washington, and Jack Welsh. However, great leaders don’t have to be good. Barbara Kellerman notes that â€Å"leaders are like the rest of us are: trustworthy and deceitful, cowardly and brave, greedy and generous†. (Kinicki-Kreitner p.346) Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin are examples of great leaders that use their influence for their own personal gain. Kinicki-Kreitner states that â€Å"to assume that all leaders are good is to be willfully blind (p.346). There are many different leadership styles and different leadership theories that individuals and corporations use. My personal leadership style is based on the Situational Theory. It is also transactional and adaptive compassionate and open. The situational theory of leadership is based on the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation. As the situation changes, so does the leadership style of the leader. As a retail manger managing 103 employees, my leadership styles changes on a daily basis. Things are always changing in this fast pace environment. Rules,  regulations, personal challenges, customer issues, are some of the many challenges that my managers and I face on a daily basis. I relate very well to Fiedlers’ situational model of leadership. His model is based on two factors. The first factor is that the degree which the situation gives the leaders control and influence is the likelihood the leader can successfully accomplish the job (Kinicki-Kreitner p.352). The second factor is based on how the leader is motivated. Is he or she motivated for accomplishment of the task or for close and personal relations? (Kinicki-Kreitner p.352) Based on these assumptions, my leadership style is based on build relationships. I value building relationships with people. I believe that building structured relationships with my employees will give them confidence in me and my ability to lead them. Making hard decisions such as hours reduction was easier to communicate to my employees because of the relationship that I built with them. They were able to understand and accept that this was necessary for the greater good of keeping the store open and profitable. This leads me to believe that I have a high amount of situational control within my environment. Situational control refers to the â€Å"amount of control and influence a leader has in his or her environment† (Kinicki-Kreitner p.352) There are three dimensions of situational control. They are Leader member relations, task structure and position power. I relate to all three dimensions with leader-member relations being the highest. Due to the relationships that I have built within my organization, I have the support, loyalty and trust of my assistant managers and my hourly employees. Leaders in today’s economic and political conditions must me servants and not dictators. Robert Greenleafs servant-leadership approach emphasizes â€Å"increased service to others† through a holistic approach.(Spears p.1) Larry Spears in â€Å"Practicing Servant-Leadership† states that the â€Å"great leader is first experienced as a servant to others work, promoting a sense of community, and a the sharing of power in decision making† (p.1) Being a servant-leader is a approach that I use within my organization. By holding daily huddles and having my employees state their opinion on any issues allows them to feel involved in the daily operation of running the store. Having an open heart is also an important aspect to my leadership ability. Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky in â€Å"Leading with an Open Heart†, states that  if we â€Å"lose our capacity for innocence, curiosity, and compassion. Our innocence turns to cynicism, our curiosity turns into arrogance and our compassion turns into callousness†. (p.2) Being a leader in my organization is very challenging. However, the situation theory allows me to adapt to each and every challenging situation on a daily basis. Managing with an open heart and being a servant leader will allow me to take on any challenges without becoming a dictator or being resentful in the decisions that I make. The ultimate key to my leadership style is building relationships. Building structured relationships allows loyalty, respect and confidence that I get from my employees knowing that I will lead them in any situation. References Kinicki, A., & Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational Key concepts, Skills, & Best Practices. (4th ed.). Ashford University Heifetz, R. & Linsky, M (2002) Leading with an Open Heart. In the Leader to Leader Journal Retrieved February 10, 2010 from Spears, L. (2004 Practicing Servant-Leadership. In the Leader to Leader Journal Retrieved February 10, 2010 from

Friday, November 8, 2019

Using French Verbs with Prepositions

Using French Verbs with Prepositions In English, many verbs require a certain preposition in order for the meaning of the verb to be complete, such as to look at, to take care of, etc. The same is true in French, but unfortunately, the prepositions required for French verbs are often not the same as the ones required by their English counterparts. In addition, some verbs that require a preposition in English dont take one in French, and vice versa. De  and  Ã‚  are by far the most common French prepositions for verbs. Because there are so many, these are divided into those that are followed by an infinitive and those that are followed by an indirect object.    infinitive   indirect objectde   infinitivede   indirect object Some verbs have a different meaning depending on whether they are followed by  Ã‚  or  de, while other verbs require both prepositions:  Ã‚  and/or  de The expressions  cest  and  il est  have their own rules about which preposition follows:  cest  /  il est   prepositions. Note:  There are also constructions with no verb   Ã‚  or  de   infinitive, a structure known as  passive infinitive. While  Ã‚  and  de  are the most common prepositions required after verbs, there are others as well: contredansenparpoursurvers And finally, a number of French verbs dont require a preposition whereas their English equivalents do: no preposition   infinitiveno preposition   direct object Some French learners find it helpful to memorize lists of verbs by the prepositions they require, as provided above, while others prefer a master list of  alphabetized verbs.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

List of Poets Laureate of the U.S.A.

List of Poets Laureate of the U.S.A. Who are all the poets who have served the Library of Congress as Consultant (the old title) or Poet Laureate Consultant (the new title)? Learn more about the lives and works of these distinguished artists through the resources listed below. 1937-1949 Joseph Auslander 1937-41: His sonnet, â€Å"To My Despoiler†Allen Tate 1943-44: His essay on writing poetry, â€Å"Narcissus As Narcissus†Robert Penn Warren 1944-45Louise Bogan 1945-46Karl Shapiro 1946-47Robert Lowell 1947-48Leonie Adams 1948-49Elizabeth Bishop 1949-50 1950s Conrad Aiken 1950-52: First to serve two termsWilliam Carlos Williams: Appointed to serve two terms in 1952 but did not serve.Randall Jarrell 1957-58Robert Frost 1958-59Richard Eberhart 1959-61: â€Å"A Student’s Memories of Richard Eberhart,† by David Graham 1960s Louis Untermeyer 1961-63: His poems â€Å"Prayer,† â€Å"Summons† and â€Å"On the Birth of a Child† and â€Å"Reveille†Howard Nemerov 1963-64Reed Whittemore 1964-65Stephen Spender 1965-66James Dickey 1966-68William Jay Smith 1968-70: His â€Å"Epigrams† 1970s William Stafford 1970-71Josephine Jacobsen 1971-73Daniel Hoffman 1973-74Stanley Kunitz 1974-76Robert Hayden 1976-78William Meredith 1978-80 1980s Maxine Kumin 1981-82Anthony Hecht 1982-84Robert Fitzgerald 1984-85: Appointed and served in a health-limited capacity, but did not come to the Library of CongressReed Whittemore 1984-85: Interim Consultant in Poetry  Gwendolyn Brooks 1985-86  Robert Penn Warren 1986-87: First to be designated Poet Laureate Consultant in PoetryRichard Wilbur 1987-88Howard Nemerov 1988-90 1990s Mark Strand 1990-91Joseph Brodsky 1991-92Mona Van Duyn 1992-93Rita Dove 1993-95: Her poem, â€Å"Lady Freedom Among Us†Robert Hass 1995-97:  Poems, translations, bibliography and articles about Hass’ workRobert Pinsky 1997-2000​:  His Favorite Poem Project 2000s Stanley Kunitz 2000-2001​Billy Collins 2001-2003: His Poetry 180 Project to bring poetry into American high schoolsLouise Glà ¼ck 2003-2004Ted Kooser 2004-2005: Excerpt from his book, The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Practical Advice for Beginning PoetsDonald Hall 2006-2007: His reading of, â€Å"Poetry Across the Atlantic,† in a historic joint reading with U.S. Poet Laureate Hall and UK Poet Laureate Andrew MotionCharles Simic 2007-2008Kay Ryan 2008-2010:  Her poems, audio readings and podcasts 2010s W.S. Merwin 2010-2011Philip Levine 2011-2012Natasha Trethewey 2012-

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Just a question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Just a question - Essay Example When one would actually count the number of new terms up to 100, one could determine that there are 28 new terminologies to learn counting from 1 to 100 using the English language. This therefore makes it challenging and difficult for young children. In contrast, Chinese language and the structure of their words are relatively shorter. For math terms, the Chinese apparently structured the successive numbers with the effective use of logic by just repeating the first 10 numbers. The numbers of new math terms from 1 to 100 in Chinese language were deemed to be just 11, in contrast to the 28 new terms for the English language. Therefore, the shorter structure of the words, the logic in repeating them (ten-one for eleven; ten-two for twelve, etc.), and the significantly lower new terms make learning math using the Chinese language easier. Overall, the structure of the English language in its complexity and expectation to adhere to grammatical rules made the language more complex than Asi an language. In no way was it intended to create discouragement; since English has been proven to have vast advantages far beyond its use in understanding

Friday, November 1, 2019

Research Theory & Skills for Sport Management Module Paper

Theory & Skills for Sport Management Module - Research Paper Example and sports are not performing in the required way owing to the fact the level of management is quite wanting and so the need to act as fast as possible to therefore save the situation. The methodology used in the study has included the designs, the participants, and the instruments. This study is therefore aimed at determining the drinks’ various ways to come up with management strategies for the better of sports. It is also important to highlight that this paper has specified coherently the procedures and the results of the study. The study has been summarized with a clear conclusion (Paul, Alistair and Trudo, 2009, page 341). It is important to highlight that this research paper delves in the discussion of the theory and the required skills and theories that are quite ideal in the management of sports. The paper has been segmented into various sections so as to make it quite neat and that it is easily understood (Peter, 2009, page 92). It is fundamental to highlight there are various gaps that exist in this study. For instance, most researchers have always neglected researching on the challenges as well as the wrongs that go unrevealed in the sports docket thereby burying the prosperity of sports in various countries. This is because that category of people does not always have an organized set up that can facilitate a study, they always want to be at the top and no piece of advice can be accorded to them due to their arrogance and ignorance (Paul, Janet, Jerom, Lucie, 2011, page 538). In the discussion of the background of the study topic, it is important to highlight that sports management is very much significant in the improvement of the sports in various state and regions of the world. Management is the disciplined action that one undertakes a measure in a more responsible way to care for a given item or role. In sports management therefore, it is important to highlight the fact that this is the measure that is taken by either an individual or several